Motel de Bosque

moteldelbosquesignMotel de Bosque – Zacatecas, Zacatecas

Motel de Bosque

Motel Close to Central Zacatecas

Periferico Diaz Ordaz

Zacatecas, Zacatecas

Phone: (011-52-) 492-922-0745

Approximately 6 sites electric and water only

moteldelbosqueviewRestrooms and shower

View from the site.

Misc Comments:

This is the closest place to central Zacatecas. The problem is you must have a small rig to navigate the small steep hills to get here.

This is not fancy stuff but it provides a great place to drive into a fascinating Colonial city.

Getting there


Directions: From the intersection Highway 45&54 go towards Zacatecas from the east. Take the exit marked Quebradilla and steer towards La Bufa. The motel is 1.5 KMs on the right.

GPS –     N 22*46.755   W 102*34.499 moteldelbosquesite