Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas
Blvd. F. Velazquez (Apdo. 475)
Rates: $15
Type of Hookup: 100 Full Hook Ups
Total Sites: 100
Lots of pull thus
Electricity/ Amps: 20& 30
Open all year
Planning Restaurant
Tenting Allowed
Restrooms, showers, small gift shop.
Somewhat run down, but still ok. The owner - Russ is great and very helpful. Gave us lots of information.
This is very "country" but still in the city.
Directions: Highway 85 South from Monterrey. Go to CD Victoria until you see traffic circle (near Holiday Inn) Go round and turn on Blvd. Velazquez. Proceed a few blocks. Trailer Park on right.
GPS - N 23.44.644
W 099*08.102