Nautla, Veracruz
Carret. Poza Rica - Nautla KM 80 Costa Esmeralda, Veracruz, Mexico
Phone: (011-52-) 232-321-0044
Rates: $14 per vehicle
Type of Hookup: 20 Full Hook Ups
Total Sites: 140
Back in spaces with lots of room.
Electricity/ Amps: 15
Open all year
2 pools and wading pool.
Tenting Allowed
Public phone
Tennis Courts, play equipment for kids, fishing.
Great spot for the whole family. Playgrounds
for kids. Teens like the pool and ocean. Long grass when we were there gave way
to lots of mosquitoes though.
Directions: Highway 130 North of Nautla KM 86. On the Gulf (East) side.
GPs N 20.19.503 W 096.52.207