Getting Better Internet Signal

Improving/ getting internet signal while on the road

I thought I would make a big plug for a product that we use wherever we go when we are traveling. It is a Hawkings Hi gain wireless internet antenna.

It looks like a little satellite dish – approximately 4-5 inches in diameter – and you plug it into your USB port and point it towards the internet signal source. Works like a HOT DAM.

We use it when we are RVing or when we are travelling by car. In the US we park by a Motel 8 or similar open signal source, pick up our mail and then sca-daddle.

When we book into RV parks or Hotels with centralized internet, we simply plug in our little sat dish and point. We can get signal at our rig or in our room.

We use this baby even when we are at home to improve the signal we get at various vantage points. We getter better signal and quicker up/down loads.

We purchased ours in the US at FRYS electronics for approximately $80 about 2 years ago. I see that they are selling them at Hawkings online (go here) for approximately $60.