Día del Ángel

Día del Ángel

“Santos Angeles Custodios” (Holy Guardian Angels)

October 1

This day celebrates Angels and is celebrated in Puerto Angel in Oaxaca in honor of their Patron Saint.

Typical of many local celebrations, Día del Ángel in Puerto is celebrated with church mass, songs, sports and cultural events.

The celebration begins the night before where the statue of the angel is removed from the church and carried in a procession through the whole village announcing the beginning of the festival. The following day a longer parade takes place on the water. Decorated boats take statue to neiboring villiages and throughout the bays. The best decorated boat wins a prize.

There is dinner at noon and 4pm and a procession throughout the streets with floats, children and music. Later there are fireworks, folkloric dancing and flowers placed at sea. The village dance lasts all night.