Can You Read the Signs?  

                Tara Spears

As thousands of seasonal visitors return to the Riviera Nayarit, many arrive by personal vehicle and are often overheard bemoaning the confusion of Mexican road signs.  Well, duh, Canadian road signs are confusing if one doesn’t understand English.  I am embarrassed to admit that even after years of being a permanent resident in this beautiful country, I couldn’t read the Spanish traffic signs. This fall I determined to educate myself. With notebook and pen on the seat, I set off driving and would pull over to jot down the sign wording to be translated later.  For years I had blindly made up translations as I barreled along the Mexican roads, more interested in the sights than the traffic signs- imagine my shock to learn that my imaginary translations were totally wrong. Yikes!  Ignorance may be bliss but it is also unsafe when behind the wheel.

mzm-roadsigns1-703587[1].jpgA crucial sign that most international drivers can recognize because it is the same shape and color as the ubiquitous stop signs is Alto; however, in Mexico it is not typically placed on the right side of the road before the intersection but rather on the far side of the cross street.  Another troublesome sign is the left turn indicator: here it is necessary to exit one street from the right lane to make a left turn into another street-heads up to all of you that are zipping into Bucherias’ Mega or Vallarta’s Cosco or Walmart. Forget the rules of the road that you learned in another country regarding yellow lines: in Mexico, the drivers pass on turns or whenever they feel like it, solid lines be damned, expecting the oncoming traffic to make way for them.  Obviously, driving defensively and yielding is wise no matter how strongly you feel that you have the right of way.

tow car.jpgA word of significant caution to all international drivers: if you are involved in a traffic accident, no matter whose fault caused the incident, Mexican law requires the police to confiscate your foreign vehicle and the driver is taken to jail. Paying the ‘fine’ to redeem your vehicle is quite steep, not to mention stressful, especially if you are not fluent in Spanish. Another traffic law that I learned the hard way is that Mexican nationals cannot drive vehicles with foreign plates (registry). So no matter how well you know and like a national, do not lend your vehicle- if they are pulled over by the police, the car will be confiscated and the owner (you) will have to pay a huge fine to  get the vehicle back. While both of the above actions may seem harsh, in reality they are a protection, a means of getting drunk drivers immediately off the road and as a potential means of recovering stolen vehicles.

road caution.jpgRegardless of the signs, my personal Mexican driving nemesis is the proliferation of speed bumps. I have a low riding car, so it didn’t take long (ok, six months and an oil pan replacement) for me to get the idea that the speed limit is primarily regulated, not by signs, but by unannounced concrete mounds (topes). The sudden appearance of several speed bumps indicates that you are approaching a village, town, or high pedestrian area. The absolute worst speed bumps in this country (that I have experienced) are as you enter Tepic. The only municipality where I have ever noticed tope signs is in Guadalajara, and then the signs are even with the cursed curve- not far enough in advance to effectively slow down before reaching them. I have learned to automatically decrease speed in critical areas along my oft traveled routes.

Driving throughout the Riviera Nayarit gorgeous scenery is just as safe and enjoyable as NOB as long as one uses common sense, defensive driving tactics, and reads the signs.

Common Mexican road signs and English translation:


Semaforo en operacion

Traffic lights ahead

No rebase

No passing

Curva peligrosa

Dangerous curve

Frene con motor

Use your engine to brake

Ponga la basura en su lugar

Put trash in its place

Concede cambio de luz

Dim your lights for oncoming traffic

Obedezca las señales

Obey traffic signs

Utilice el cinturón de seguro

Use seat belts

No maltrate las señales

Don’t damage the road signs

Grava suelta

Loose gravel

Tramo en reparación

Road repairs ahead

Máquinas trabajando

Heavy equipment ahead

Guarde su distancia

Don’t tailgate

Precaución: zona de ganado

Caution: open range

Si toma no maneja

If you drink, don’t drive

Con neblina encienda sus luces

Turn on headlights when foggy

Respete los límites de velocidad

Respect posted speed limits

Termina puente en construcción

End of bridge construction



Puesto de control military

Military checkpoint

Gracias por usar el cinturón de seguro

Thank you for buckling up


Speed bumps

Un solo carril

Single lane ahead



Disminuya su velocidad

Slow down

No deje piedras sobre el pavamiento

Don’t leave rocks on the highway

Conserve limpia la carretera

Keep highway clean

Más vale tarde que nunca

Better late than never!

Zona de vados

Washes in area

Cruce de peatones


No rebase con raya contínua

No passing on solid line


Precaución extrema: orilla peligrosa

Extreme caution: dangerous shoulder

No se estacione

No parking

Termina acotamiento

Shoulder ends

Carreteras limpias son mas seguras

Clean highways are safer

Precaución: maquinas trabajando

Caution: machinery working ahead

Cinturón de seguridad obligatorio

Mandatory use of seat belt

No maltrates las senales

Don’t damage road signs

Precaución: zona de derrumbes

Caution: landslides possible

No circule por acotamiento

Don’t drive on shoulder

Modere la velocidad, su familia le espera

Slow down, your family is waiting for you

Con niebla o lluvia enciende sus luces

Turn on lights when foggy or rainy

Carril izquierdo solo para rebasar

Left lane for passing only

Principia tramo de cuota

Begin toll road

Camino cerrado por obras

Road closed ahead

Use acotamiento para emergencia

Shoulder are only for emergencies

No exceda los límites de velocidad

Don’t exceed the speed limits

Transito lento carril derecho

Slower traffic use right lane

No tire basura

Don’t litter


Bypass highway (from downtown city)